
In the Criminology field, when conflictual dynamics have degenerated into acts constituting a crime, I carry out in Institutional context Criminological Consultations, which include criminological interviews and reports. The aim is to assess the offender personality, starting from the fact-crime and from previous and subsequent behaviors, as well as from the offender life and family history, including any group contexts and network, in order to identify the genesis and dynamics of behaviors, recognize the main characteristics and patterns for a behavioral profiling of the subject.
According to the results of these reports, it is possible (in a range or different probabilities) to determine the presence and the degree of danger, and collect useful elements and gather information for the forecast analysis of future behaviors.

In the Victimology field, I carry out victim reports, through consultancy activities which address the victims of crimes, and/or people close to the victim (partner, spouse, children, etc.) who have been directly or indirectly harmed in physical, sexual or psychic due to an offense and/or actions potentially configurable as an offense.

To request a first meeting, which will take place as the first consultation, as well as the first informative  meeting, please simply send an email to indicating in as much detail as possible, the Institution or Agency, contact details.

I authorized the treatment of confidential data as regulated by the Law, taking into account the poilcy privacy.

Once the activation request has been received, it will be communicated if I will available for a first meeting to investigate the subject of the Consultancy  and / or if there is availability to take on the assignment and / or the relative and / or total amount.

The first meeting with the Agency or Institution or, in the case of victim consultations, also with the professional firm that requested, takes place online through Skype platform, or in person.


In order to obtain the Consultancy it will be necessary to send by e-mail ( the certificate of payment by PayPal, as well as upload via the form, and any other further and any required document, necessary for the purpose of the Consultation.