Negotiation Consultancy

The Negotiation shares with the Mediation many aspects and many techniques, because the Negotiation can be considered a sort of chronological antecedent of a Mediation: in fact, it is just in case of a failure of a Negotiation, that the counterparts find themselves basically blocked in their positions. Then, the peculiarity of a Negotiation process is the absence in the setting of a third part, the Mediator, which acts as a communication bridge between the parties.

According to my experience, despite the difference between these resources in the management of a conflict/crisis, usually the excellent Mediators are also excellent Negotiators. This is because the best Mediators build on themselves specific key competences that allow them to remain not involved in the conflict, neither cognitively, emotionally, nor from a communication point of view.

I personally assessed that the efficiency of every Negotiation process is the product of an incisive and assertive, empathic and goal-oriented Negotiator attitude; it is the product of a strategic ability, both in the planning and in the execution phases, to manage the dynamics development with the counterparts.
However, keeping in mind just the goal that a Negotiator wants to achieve, is - paradoxically - the main vulnerability that he/she has to face during a Negotiation process. It can undermine all of his/her efforts, and leads to a failure of the entire process as a whole.

In brief, one of the main challenge for a Negotiator, during the process to reach the desired goal (which could be, for instance, sign a deal, or negotiate a previous agreement, or prevent or de escalate a conflict) is constantly seek, and find, a balance between the necessity to stay grounded on own position (which includes needs and interests), and simultaneously maintaining an open mind in order to active listen the counterparts position (as well as their needs and interests). Therefore it is essential being confident enough with a Negotiation process to take into account the previous strategic plan but be ready and flexible to consider the new dynamics that could arise during the execution phase, without reject them in a prejudicial way, because is inside these dynamics that could be one of the key, not considered before, to reach the desired goal.

It is also essential stay connected with oneself and simultaneously build a connection with the counterparts; be fully aware of the counterparts reality, in terms of their actions, posture and vision, and simultaneously fully aware of own vision as well, in order to identify the possibility and the realistic amplitude of the so called ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement); be a master in staying focus and concentrate during the management of all the different phases of a Negotiation process (introductory, exploratory, negotiation and final phase). Last but not least, it is necessary to adopt a conscious and authentic approach, and stay committed every day to improve your own Negotiation skills and Communications Techniques.

Therefore, I offer Negotiation Consultancy, which encompasses:
- the analysis of the reference context and the counterparts profiles, both during the plan and the execution phases of the Negotiation process,
- the analysis and assessments of potential ‘third actors’, which could be not personally present around a Negotiation table, but simultaneously could direct, behind the setting, the actions and decision of their Negotiator or their Negotiation team,
- the analysis of the conflict dynamics during the development of Negotiation tables,
- the direct involvement and management of a Negotiation process both autonomously and as part of a Negotiation team.

To request a first meeting, which will take place as the first consultation, as well as the first informative  meeting, please simply send an email to indicating in as much detail as possible your specific situation, the location of the Company/Public department or Agency, and contact details.

I authorized the treatment of confidential data as regulated by the Law, taking into account the policy privacy.

Once the activation request has been received, it will be communicated if the assignment is assumed and the amount due for a first meeting.

The Negotiation Consultancy takes place in person, at the headquarters of the Company and/or the Public department or agency.

In order to obtain the Consultancy, it will be necessary to send by e-mail ( the certificate of payment by