Legal Consulting
In the current context, which is consolidating and evolving rapidly, a profound sociological change is taking place, which translates into a consistent change in the customers’ needs and requests in the Legal Advice field.
In this moment of global access to digital tools, an increasing number of people are able to find, with exponentially increasing speed and with relative ease, news and information, even in the legal field, potentially useful for solving one’s own contingent problem. Nevertheless, the powerful and continuous communications and news flow is potentially a generator of confusion, which can lead to vulnerable strategic choices, in the absence of appropriate reading keys that allow to decipher the information, especially if related to specialist and specialized sectors.

Today, what the customer increasingly asks a Legal Advisor for is not to be accompanied in a Court case, which is physiologically indefinite, in terms of time and results. Rather, the customer today asks for technical opinions, guidelines, professional clarifications and a practical, precise and punctual orientation, which highlights weak points to consider and strengths to enhance, to outline an effective solution strategy.
According to my past professional experience as Lawyer, I met systematic and widespread requests from my clients, for a personalized and holistic approach, capable of drawing on a multidisciplinary and coordinated knowledge, and able to grasp the various facets of the Customers, providing them the codes to read and contextualize, from multiple perspectives, both their position affected by a temporary impasse, and the information that already independently they have collected.
Over the time, I realized that the present Customers requests trend is to be led to overcome critical situations in order to find security and stability, in their personal and professional sphere, resolving potential impasse and controversies, definitely before that they become complicated and end in strictly jurisdictional and adversarial activities. As well known, the Courts activities in fact require long times, often very high economic and emotional costs and with a response to one’s needs and interests physiologically fragmented and potentially not proportionate to the expectations.
Therefore I offer Legal Advices, not extended to judicial activities or aimed at judicial activity in the Court; my aim is to provide assistance and consultancy in all those situations in which a holistic legal intervention is necessary, as mentioned before, outside the judicial and procedural Courts activities.
I am available for Legal consulting service, on assignments entrusted to me by Privates, and also by Companies, Public departments and agencies.
To request a Legal Consulting service, please simply fill in the form below indicating in as detailed as possible your specific situation, your request and your contact details.
Once the activation request has been received, it will be communicated if the assignment is assumed.
The cost of an online Legal Advice starts from $ 70.00, and varies according to the complexity and economic value of the matter.
After the first contact, in order to obtain the Consultancy, it will be necessary to send by e-mail ( the certificate of payment by PayPal, a copy of the Identity Card and the Tax Code, and any other further and any document required, necessary for the purpose of the first consultation.
Within approximately 72 hours from receipt of the documentation and payment, or different time previously agreed in the case of complexity of the request and topic, the Legal Consultancy will be provided and sent by email.