Research and Analysis

Thanks to my expertise and specific training in the field of macro-systems analysis, and constant interest in research, both theoretical and practical, I’m available to carry out research and analysis for Public Departments and Agencies on topics related, for example, to geopolitical analysis.

Adopting different Analysis systems and a comprehensive approach, I draw up descriptive and predictive analysis over possible dynamic trends of phenomena and scenarios, also concerning emergency situations that impact or potentially impact on a system, correlating different indicators, identifying and evaluating possible vulnerabilities, risks and threats, also in terms of social stability/instability, providing short, medium and long term assessments to the decision makers.

I also carry out regulatory and legal research and reports in the field of domestic and international law, criminological and security research and analysis.

To request availability to carry out a Research and/or Analysis, please fill in the form below indicating in as much detail as possible your role/position in the institutional/professional context in which you operate (properly documented), the subject matter of the request, your contact details.

authorized the treatment of confidential data as regulated by the Law, taking into account the policy privacy.

Once the activation request has been received, it will be communicated if I will available for a first meeting to investigate the subject of the Research or Analysis requested  and / or if there is availability to take on the assignment and / or the relative and / or total amount.

The first meeting with the Agency or Institution takes place online through Skype platform, or in person.


In order to obtain the Consultancy it will be necessary to send by e-mail ( the certificate of payment by PayPal, as well as upload via the form, and any other document, necessary for the purpose of the Consultation.