Professional Consultant in private and institutional sectors, specialized in Crisis and Conflict Management and Analysis of micro and macro contexts, I offer preparation, flexibility and a pragmatic approach in my professional work, merging the skills acquired and consolidated over the years in various professional sectors in an integrated Consulting model.
After graduating in Law, I first practiced the forensic profession for 10 years as a Lawyer registered in the Italian Register of Lawyers.
I am now a freelance professional Consultant.

Over the past twenty years I have held positions as a teacher both in institutional contexts, in every order and grade of school, and in Masters and Courses managed by private training bodies accredited by the Italian Ministers of Justice, simultaneously assuming positions as certified trainer in Mediation field and as scientific manager in the organization, planning and implementation of training projects, in particular relating the fields of Mediation, Negotiation, Communication Techniques, Conflict Management, and Behavioral Analysis.
My passion for both the theoretical study and for the practical management of human beings dynamics, in particular in conflict and/or crisis contexts, soon spread from micro-systems (family, group, school) to more complex systems, such as companies and enterprise, with assignments for the internal restructuring and reorganization of companies. This experience has grown over time to merge and join my interest and deep passion for the Security field in complex macro systems, such as those of international socio-political scenarios.
In the Security field, I attended NATO-CIMIC courses. These were followed, within the NATO environments, positions as trainer/instructor and guest speaker on Negotiation and Communication Techniques for military personnel. At the accredited NATO center in Sweden I obtained the qualification as Gender Trainer for military and civilian personnel in peace-keeping missions, learning and applying the gender perspective within a holistic vision of military operations. That means to adopt an active listening of different needs coming from different actors of a political-economic and social system, in order to produce overall analysis, functional to the de-escalation of the conflict and the stabilization of crisis contexts.
Then I obtained a Master Degree in International Humanitarian Law and Law of Armed Conflict at ‘La Sapienza’ University in Rome (Italy), held in collaboration with the Center for Advanced Studies for Defense (Italian Ministry of Defense). I also obtained the qualification as Legal Advisor of the Armed Forces. I held positions as Political Analyst and Legal Advisor, lastly serving within the NATO Resolute Mission in Afghanistan, applying also my skills as Criminal Profiler.
Now retired, I was an Officer, Reservist, of the Italian Army.
In addition to the solid skills and experience in the analysis, communication, mediation and negotiation fields, achieved in my daily professional work as negotiator / mediator in the conflicts management, I have implemented experiences in the sectors of criminological research and behavioral analysis, also in the international environments, through political and social analysis, and specific criminological profiling of entities linked to the violent extremism.
I obtained a Master Degree in Criminolgy and Security, with a research over the topic of criminal profiling techniques applied to the cyber crimes.
I held lectures in Criminology seminars over the topics related to international terrorism and violent extremism, and held positions as political analyst, proudly serving within a NATO environment.
I have developed and applied a verbal-non-verbal-paraverbal communication analysis model and system, called Advanced Communication System (ACS Model), which I use systematically in every professional communication and analysis context, and which has proven to be particularly effective both in the management of conflict dynamics, and in the classification of criteria and indicators useful for behavioral analysis in criminological and victimological interviews, for the identification of genesis and dynamics of criminal facts and deviant patterns and / or behaviors, in particular related to the power asymmetries in human interactions and their criminal and deviant consequences, also related to the cyber threats, even in highly conflicting contexts.
Publications (currently in Italian version)
– “The Science of Mediation: theoretical-epistemological foundations and practical profiles”, with an original scientific approach to Mediation intended as a tool capable of contributing to the de-escalation of the conflict and the dynamic stabilization of conflict contexts (both macro and micro)
– “Foreign Terrorist Fighters and International Law”, with particular focus on the identification of the behavioral indicators revealing radicalization processes related to both terrorist phenomena and violent extremism.
Integrated Legal System
I offer preparation, flexibility and a pragmatic approach in my professional job, integrating the skills acquired and consolidated over the years in various professional sectors, which have nourished and grew mutually, ranging from the legal to the criminological sector, from the analytical and negotiation and mediation sector to the psycho-pedagogical one.
Therefore I make available an integrated system of multidisciplinary knowledge, mutually connected and converging around the central core of the Consulting model that I propose, focused on the analysis of the interests and needs of the Customer, both as an individual and as an individual inserted in contexts and systems more wide, from the family-system to the enterprise-system, private or public, having as focus the constant empowerment of the Customer, both as a single and as a Organization.
The focus of my professional Consulting activities is to guarantee the Customer my assistance in the analysis of their current scenario and my assistance in the management of the critical dynamics. I adopt the perspective that each scenario, if well managed, can become a challenge and constructive opportunity to reach better goals, both for the individual and for his/her reference system.
In the case in which the crisis/conflict dynamics reveal sociological and behavioral variations that deviate from civil and legal acceptable behaviors, I will give my assistance for consultancy Criminological reports, or for Criminal Profiling consultancy, and if necessary also Victimological reports, in order to collaborate and effective share my skills with the Public Authority and its institutions and Security Agencies/Department.
My aim is giving to the Customer, through my Consulting services, the opportunity to constructively reflect on the nature of the critical situation that it is going through, on the factors that are determining it, on the possible future scenarios, and consequently act.
Through my Consulting services I work with the Customer to examine the most relevant variables, a necessary step to make a decision, choose a course of action, analyzing the context in detail and planning the most appropriate action strategies.
Through this approach, where it is crucial to develop adequate preparation and an open mindset in order to face critical events, it is possible to minimize the potential harmful impact of any unexpected event that could interfere with the results that the Customer wants to achieve. In fact, although the unexpected can never be completely eliminated, the preparation and an overall and global vision of the context, can allow not only to face it with serenity, but transform it into own advantage, thus obtaining the Customer personal desired goals.
As I mentioned in my Home Page, I deeply convinced that my Consulting services can be a mutual benefit asset for all the Customer which share with me a Vision which I summarize in this statement:
‘In brief, no matter what, how or where, Always Be Yourself and Be Excellent To Each Other”.